6211 CE Maastricht
You can register as a patient by completing the form below. By pressing register, your information will be sent to our administration. After this has been checked, you will receive confirmation of your registration.
Choos for GP (general practitione), dentist or both GP practice Mosae ForumMondzorg Mosae Forum
Previous GP
Previous dentist
First name
Family name
Gender —Kies een optie—malefemale
Date of birth
Burgerservicenummer (BSN)
Document number + type
House number
House number addition
Zip code
Phone number
Email address
Health insurance
Policy number
Which pharmacy do you have in Maastricht?
If you register with the dentist, make a choice below for a possible check-up —Kies een optie—NoYes, in 1 monthYes, in 6 monthsYes, in a yearYes, as soon as possible
The patient declares that he has completed the above truthfully —Kies een optie—Yes
Name of parent/guardian (if under 18 years old)
Record patient consent for external link
Do you agree to all electronic communications with healthcare providers / requesting your medical file / medical data from other healthcare providers —Kies een optie—YesNo